3D Full Body Cycling Analysis

A properly fitting bike is the foundation for a comfortable, powerful and efficient position on the bike. Too often riders settle for an “out of the box” fit, which is probably not comfortable and certainly doesn’t take into account a riders specific needs. That’s because engineers design bikes and size the touch points for averages and if you’re not middle of the road average, it’s probably not the best fit.
Every year the pros visit their team of fitters, doctors, physical therapists and aerodynamic engineers to tweak and refine their position on the bike. They use the latest technology and studies to analyze their riding style. Luckily many of these same technologies are available to every cyclist, and many of them are housed in our technology-laden analysis lab.
While we realize you’re probably not racing the Tour de France, Kona or Cape Epic (although some of our best clients do), our core belief is that a good fit is central to a better cycling experience. Whether you have a specific issue (back pain, hand numbness, painful saddle) or are looking to gain a few more watts an in-depth cycling analysis will improve your ride. Guaranteed!

Analysis Technologies

Guru Dynamic Fitting Unit

The Guru DFU is truly the next generation of world class fit bikes. It streamlines fitting process by making it possible to adjust the position of the rider while they are still on the bike. With the use of computer controlled hydraulics finding the ideal position is both fast and effecient. Paired with the computer software, various fit positions can be captured.

gebioMized Pressure Mapping

The heart of the gebioMized system is our saddle pressure mapping; a thin, flexible film comprised of 64 sensors that wirelessly transmit saddle pressure data to a computer. From this measurement we can analyze the pressure distribution while in different seating and handlebar positions. Allowing side by side comparison of various fir positions, saddles or other changes.

3D Motion Capture

The 3DMA system is used to collect real-time, three-dimensional motion data. And is the only system that captures full-body, bi-lateral data simultaneously. Allowing fit changes and movement analysis to be easily be quantified. The software accurately measures every degree of movement and millimeter of distance providing the fitter with data to prescribe proper fit choices.


From professional athletes to weekend warriors our customers speak for themselves and their experience with a VeloConcepts Cycling Analysis.

Cycling Analysis Services & Pricing

Cycling & Saddle Evaluation
Physical Assessment
Leg/Foot Alignment Evaluation
Motion Capture
Fit Evaluation
Baseline Pressure Mapping


Road Bike Analysis & FittingYEARLY SUBSCRIPTION
Physical Assessment
Leg/Foot Alignment Evaluation
3D High Speed Speed Motion Capture
Baseline Cycling Analysis
Baseline Pressure Mapping
Dynamic Fitting, Adjustment & Optimization
Recommendations & Adjustments to Current Bike
Detailed Fitting Report & Analysis


Tri/TT Bike Analysis & FittingYEARLY SUBSCRIPTION
Physical Assessment
Leg/Foot Alignment Evaluation
3D High Speed Speed Motion Capture
Baseline Cycling Analysis
Baseline Pressure Mapping
Dynamic Fitting, Adjustment & Optimization
Recommendations & Adjustments to Current Bike
Detailed Fitting Report & Analysis


Pressure Analysis
Add on to Cycling Analysis
Full gebioMized Saddle Pressure Analysis
2D & 3D Pressure Map Profiles
Analysis & Recommendations Based on Pressure Maps
Saddle Adjustment, Recommendations & Mapping


Connect With Us

Come visit VeloConcepts in beautful Culpeper, VA. We have some of the best riding in all of Virginia and our shop speaks for itself. While we aren’t around the corner, you will be glad you made the trip.

VeloConcepts: Bicycle Fitting Lab & Studio
201 Waters Pl #110
Culpeper, VA 22701